Please read these policies carefully. Please contact us if you have any questions.
In providing us with personal information, you indicate that you have had sufficient opportunity to access this policies and that you have read and accepted it.
This policies may be amended, including with changes, additions and deletions, from time to time, at our sole discretion. Your continued use of our Website and App following any amendments indicates that you accept the amendments. You should check this policies regularly.
Ethics Policies
- Ethical Employment Policy EFOP 033 - Ethical Employment Policy.pdf
- Anti Bribery and Ethics Policy Statement EFOP 034 - Anti Bribery and Ethics Policy Statement.pdf
- Anti-corruption Policy EFOP 034 - Anti-corruption Policy.pdf
- Business Ethics Policy EFOP 021 - Business Ethics Policy.pdf
- Anti-slavery Policy EFOP 022 - Anti-slavery Policy.pdf
- Quality Policy EFOP 023 - Quality Policy.pdf
- Equality Inclusion and Diversity Policy EFOP 028 - Equality Inclusion and Diversity Policy.pdf
Corporate Social Responsibility
- Protection Of The Public Policy EFOP 01 - Protection Of The Public Policy.pdf
- CSR Policy EFOP 02 - CSR Policy.pdf
- Environmental Policy EFOP 03 - Environmental Policy.pdf
- Child Protection Policy EFOP 06 - Child Protection Policy
- Waste And Recycling Policy EFOP 017 - Waste And Recycling Policy.pdf
Technology and Data Protection Policies
- Technology and Data Protection EFOP 26 - Technology and Data Protection.pdf
Recruitment Policies
- Equal Opportunities Policy EFOP 04 - Equal Opportunities Policy.pdf
- Recruitment and Selection Policy EFOP 011 - Recruitment and Selection Policy.pdf
Operational Policies
- TUPE Transfer Policy EFOP 15 - TUPE Transfer Policy.pdf
- Accident Investigation Policy EFOP 18 - Accident Investigation Policy.pdf
- Near Miss Policy EFOP 24 - Near Miss Policy.pdf
- Complaints Policy EFOP 07 - Complaints Policy.pdf
- Lone Working Policy EFOP 09 - Lone Working Policy.pdf
Media Policies
- Media Handling Policy EFOP 010 - Media Handling Policy.pdf
- Social Media Policy EFOP 019 - Social Media Policy.pdf
Business and Continuity
- Business Continuity Policy EFOP 05 - Business Continuity Plan.pdf
- Environmental Policy EFOP 036 - Environmental Policy.pdf
Training and Development
- Training and Development Policy EFOP 014 - Training and Development Policy.pdf
Health and Wellbeing Policies
- Sexual Harassment Policy EFOP 012 - Sexual Harassment Policy.pdf
- Smoking Policy EFOP 013 - Smoking Policy.pdf
- Violence At Work Policy EFOP 016 - Violence At Work Policy.pdf
- COVID Policy EFOP 025 - COVID Policy.pdf
- Health and Safety Version V1.0 EFOP 05 - Health and Safety Old Version V1.0.pdf
- Health and Safety New Version V2.0 EFOP 035 - Health and Safety New version 2.0.pdf
- Drugs and Alcohol Policy EFOP 08 - Drugs and Alcohol Policy.pdf
Employee Handbook
- Employee Handbook (Permanent) Employee Handbook (Permanent).pdf
Management Systems Policy
- Management System Policy Manual Management System Policy.pdf